The SK Advice Column: Mother's Day

Posted on May 09, 2018
D E A R  D E A R



Happy Mother’s Day from SK! In celebration of the spring holiday, our mothers, and all of the multifaceted, magnificent, and wise moms who we’re lucky enough to be linked with, we present the SK Advice Column: Mother’s Day Edition.

They say that mother knows best. Here is some of the best advice that some of the SK staff has received.


Sunniva: "My Mom, Karen is an incredibly loving and strong woman who has refused to let anything hold her back in life.  When I was a child, she survived a life threatening illness and went on to get a masters degree in music theory and composition.  When I was ten, she changed course and went to law school. Early in her career she specialized in restorative justice and federal Indian law; she is currently a state and tribal court judge as well as a practicing lawyer. In her life and career she has fought against gender bias, overcome physical challenges and has risen as an advocate and leader in her community. Whenever I am faced with a difficult decision, she always encourages me to take the high road and not worry about what other people think. Her saying is 'those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter won’t mind.’ As a child, my mother always told me to 'Be wise.' It works under so many circumstances!"

Jason: “I don’t know if these are my favorite or least favorite things that she would say, but…My mom would bust out a 12-step-ism all the time…She’d say, ‘They say that the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting the results to change.’ She’d also say (imitating her own mother), ‘Ain’t no use in staying mad, you’ll just have to get glad again.’”

Gabriela: “'Thoughts become things, choose the good ones!'”

Daniela: "My mom is totally organized and she's a bit of a neat nerd (the opposite to me in that front!). She has tried drilling the expression, 'Tidy as you go,' as a mantra into my head (a little unsuccessfully!) Also, whenever she's frustrated with certain situations or people's opinions, another favorite is, 'It takes all sorts of people to make up a world.'"

Lily: "I admire my mothers ingenuity, kindness, and wit. She can make and do just about anything. A woman of many trades!" 

Alexandra: “My mom really demonstrates wisdom in her endless, far-reaching curiosities. She is also one of the happiest people that I’ve ever encountered, and her ability to see the ever-present beauty, joy, boundlessness, and humor of and in life serves as an unspoken token of advice to many. As for verbal advice? ‘Meditate.’”

Dwyer: "My mom says, 'If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.'" In reference to coloring books, or to life in general, she'll say 'Why is it that you think you need to color inside the lines?'"


Sarah: "My mom also has a Moroccan saying that she would tell me which translates as follows; 'Follow people who make you cry instead of people who make you laugh!' This means that your real friends will tell you the truth, even if it hurts you."

Thank you, moms! Still looking for the perfect gift for yours, or for a favorite mother of yours? These are available immediately—and are sure to fill her eyes and heart with stars.


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