Dwyer and Wendy Kilcollin
Dwyer Kilcollin: What was the most unexpected thing that you found out about becoming a mom?
Wendy Kilcollin: That your child has a mind of its OWN!
DK: HAHAHAHAHAH!! You were surprised to find that you couldn’t influence my personality more? Tell me more, please!
WK: No, I was surprised that you had a mind of your own when MINE was so goooood.
DK: This interview is too good, I can barely contain myself!
DK: Ok, next question—I’ve always promised to myself that I wouldn’t become a mom who worries too much (intervenes on the playground, discourages adventurous behavior, etc…) But ever since I found out that I was pregnant, I’ve been trying to suppress the urge to worry, but there’s just so much to worry about! Is this permanent? Will it stop?!
WK: I wasn’t much of a worrier until the TEEN YEARS… Oh my god. Mmmm, good luck
DK: Yes.. I remember those years of course…
SK father Rick Kilcollin joins the conversation…
Rick Kilcollin: I think that once the baby is born you will get to know him/her, and you’ll figure out when you need to be vigilant. The babies are pretty resilient.
DK: Was that a dad response? This was meant to be a mother and daughter interview for Mother’s Day.
RK: Well by god I was included.
RK leaves the conversation, mother daughter interview resumes…
WK: Actually, unlike of all my friends and acquaintances, I was very practical and confident about baby raising!
DK: What’s the secret? How did you gain so much confidence and break away from the fears of the mom’s around you?
WK: I just was [confident]. Nothing more to it.
DK: Right. Because your mind is so good. Noted!
DK: What is your favorite thing about being a mom?
WK: Watching you develop into such a fun and unique being…With a mind of your own. Gifted too.
DK: Becoming a “mom” notoriously has a bad connotation with a loss of self—as though motherhood is some kind of black box: intelligent, creative, individuals enter, and uniform, culturally irrelevant, caretakers come out. Anyone who knows you knows that this idea obviously doesn’t apply to you what-so-ever. Could you comment?
WK: That sounds like the way that I viewed people who moved to the suburbs. (Sorry friends. Naturally this does NOT apply to you.) Well, I do remember getting a diaper bag that did NOT look like a diaper bag. It was very cool looking beach bag but it was narrow and TOP-loaded. Dumb. Now you’re gonna say THAT was random! But it was my way of saying ‘I didn’t want to carry a silly diaper bag!’
DK: Oh, but did you see my top loading fashion diaper bag? The new tote from Telfar.
WK: Mine was a tall tube with a drawstring at top. Yours looks nice.
DK: Oh yours sounds super au courrant now with the cylindrical bag trend…
DK: DK What about “mom fashion”—is that a real thing?
DK: Have you seen this article on how Motherhood is a “dumb job”? (Dumb in this context doubles as being both anti-intellectual but also thankless:)
WK: I saw that. I did not send it to you. It’s fun. Look what you get!!!! Dwyer Browne Kilcollin!!!!
DK: Hmmmm
DK: Hmmmm
Happy Mother’s Day from SK, and congratulations to Yves and Dwyer! We’re so excited to meet the newest member of the SK family.