Saigon Immolation

Posted on November 29, 2016

Spinelli Kilcollin friend and team member Jeffrey Stuker is an artist, fiction and non-fiction arts writer, and the fashion editor at Art Handler-- and the director of the SEELD Library, Los Angeles branch. 

Jeffrey Stuker, "Tes Yeux Verts in Lake Green; La Maison Marie Daubrun", 2010

He's currently in a group show that was organized at Balice Hertling gallery in Paris that was organized by Full Haus, called "Saigon Immolation."

The works in "Saigon Immolation" are meant to evoke, compare, and reenact historical events as a way of positioning the identities of artist and viewer.

Jeffrey's work in the show deals with, among other things, distance and connection-- concepts that he also touches upon in his written works. 

Stuker’s description of his own artistic practice speaks to the exhibition as a whole: to connect—impossibly, enticingly—histories that in reality are always partial--to make prominent the notion of subjectivity. 

He also recently wrote about highlighter pens for Art Handler, influenced by the artworks of friend and office supplies aficionado David Muenzer.

In this essay, Stuker notes that, "Highlighters set off arrays of words that one must commit to memory...With it rays of superadded color fill up the space between words creating a luminous block that overwhelms rather than convinces. Amid the mutable pixels in which reading now takes place, the distinction between highlighted and unhighlighted words melt in paragraphs that move between justified and unjustified with a single click."

David Muenzer, "Highlighter Ingots"

He goes on to discuss works of Muenzer's in detail, noting especially the accumulation of color upon pages of text as they relate to Muenzer's work, and the implications of office supplies and highlighters-- as well as how they relate to technology and computer science. 

If you're in Paris, be sure to see Jeffrey's work at Balice Hertling-- and if you are not, you can read on about his practice and views on various artworks in Art Handler.


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