The Best New Yorker Cartoons: Valentine's Day

Posted on January 17, 2018
B I G  A P P L E  O F  M Y   E Y E


The undeniably excellent New Yorker magazine knows that humor is gratifying in all matters—even (or perhaps especially) in those of the heart. The magazine also knows a thing or two about the inevitability of people judging a book (or, well, anything) by it's cover.
Take a break from your shopping for the perfect Valentine (if you're still looking for a perfect gift for your perfect person or person or people, view some of our SK picks here!) and laugh a little, wouldja? 


Here, a few especially astute Valentine's Day cartoons, and a few very charming Valentine's cover pages from the magazine.


M Y  F U N N Y  V A L E N T I N E 
W O R T H  A  T H O U S A N D  W O R D S


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